How Much Does A Boat Cost?

How Much Is A Boat

When choosing a boat, you should pay attention not only to its cost but also to insurance, taxes, mooring, registration, maintenance, and other expenses.

Boat Price

Many people who live near the water dream of a boat, as it is not only a good hobby but also an exciting time with the family. What man wouldn’t want to take his son fishing in his own boat? It would seem that this purchase will bring a lot of happiness and positive emotions, but there is one point to pay attention to.

If you are thinking about buying a boat, the first question to ask is – can I really afford it? In fact, a boat comes with many costs besides its cost. You need to familiarize yourself with the basic ones before making a purchase.

How Much Does A Boat Cost?

Many people ask the question “why are boats so expensive” or “how much does a boat cost” but it is difficult to answer unequivocally here. Of course, the cost of the boat depends on which one you want to buy. While one person wants a teeny sailboat, another person dreams of a huge footer. Also, the cost of a particular model will depend on the year of manufacture. A mid-range option between these two boats will cost you $ 15,000 to $ 25,000. Thus, if you have always dreamed of a boat, then be prepared to spend about $ 20,000.

Boat insurance cost

Another important question is how much is a boat insurance? In fact, it is also difficult to answer unequivocally here, but the average interest rates are about 1.5% of the boat’s insured value. Thus, if you are going to buy a boat for $ 20,000, you will have to pay about $ 300 more for insurance. Of course, the higher the cost of the boat, the more expensive the insurance.

Boat taxes

You should be aware that state tax laws will depend on the area where you live. The first thing you should pay attention to is the sales tax, which you will probably have to pay when buying a boat. This sales-tax rate varies from state to state.

For example, Delaware and Rhode Island do not require a sales tax at all, and most states only levy sale tax up to a certain amount. If we talk about flat rates, then in North Carolina the sales tax is 3% (but not more than $ 1,500), in Florida – 6%.

Also, please note that once you purchase a boat, you will have to pay personal property tax annually.


Another item on the list of boat expenses is registration. However, you should understand that registration costs will also vary from state to state. In some states, you even have to pay $ 250 or more to register your boat (which also depends on the size).


Yes, in addition to insurance and registration costs, you also have to pay for mooring. It is important to note that lists for a mooring can take years, so you better take care of this before purchasing a boat. If we talk about mooring cost, then at least you will have to spend several hundred dollars a year. If you are planning to purchase larger boats, then the cost can reach up to $ 1,000 per month.

Small boat

You may not have thought about it, but if you have a mooring, then you need a dinghy, kayak or a row boat to get to its mooring. In terms of costs, the simplest row boat costs about $ 1,000. If you want to save some money, you can get a used boat for $ 500.

Winter storage

During cold seasons, you will need a trailer to deliver the boat to your storage facility or your backyard. So, a boat trailer will cost around $ 2,000 for a new one. You can also find used storage options starting at $ 300.

You also need to consider the budget for winter storage of the boat. You will need to pay someone who hauls the boat out of the water, shrink wrap it and set it on blocks. This is quite expensive and will cost you around $ 2,000.


As a rule, the annual technical discussion of the boat is usually about 10% of the value of the boat. This can include cleaning the desk, painting the hull, and more.