How to fix a declined debit card?

Why is my debit card declined?

If you entered an incorrect PIN, you can contact the bank and solve it. When the card is not activated you should read the instructions on how to start using it. Explore other options for solving a specific problem that may arise with your card.

If your debit card was declined, you are probably confused and wondering why this happened? However, the truth is that your card can be rejected for a number of reasons, but there are solutions that will help you start using the card again.

Why is my debit card declined?

In order to solve the problem, study the most common options for why your card was rejected, and then pay attention to the ways to solve them.

  1. Insufficient funds.

No matter how trite it may sound, the lack of money is perhaps the most common reason why your card may be declined. That is why it is important to make a budget and take into account your expenses in order not to get into such an awkward situation.

  1. Exceeding the daily withdrawal limit

You may be aware that most financial institutions have a 24 hours withdrawal limit on their customers’ accounts. This is done in order to protect the client’s funds from fraud.

  1. Several incorrect PIN code entries

All cardholders know that a PIN code is a 4-digit number that serves as an additional security measure. Thus, if you are wondering “why is my debit card declined when I have money”, the reason may be an incorrect PIN code. The PIN code was created in order to make sure that the cardholder is using it. If you have memorized the PIN code incorrectly or if you confuse at least one number, your card will be rejected. Moreover, if the wrong PIN is entered several times, then your card will be blocked in order to prevent possible fraud.

  1. The card has expired

You know, of course, that every debit card has an expiration date. Thus, if you want to withdraw money or conduct another financial transaction using an expired card, it will not be accepted. Thus, pay attention to this option, as it often does not occur to people, and then investigate other possible reasons.

  1. Invalid personal data

If any information was entered incorrectly, this may lead to the fact that your card will be rejected. Most often this happens when you want to make purchases on the Internet and point out information that does not correspond to your personal data. Since when placing an order, you must enter some data, such as the name on the card, you can make a mistake.

  1. Technical issues

Of course, such things as technical problems should not be ruled out, as bank systems can also have problems processing a transaction even if you did everything right. If you have slow internet or bad connection, or power failure or transaction overload, your card may be rejected as well.

  1. International purchase

This may sound strange, but your card may also be rejected for unusual payment. For example, if you have made an international transaction, then the bank may consider that it was a fraudulent attempt, so the card will not be accepted in order to protect you.

  1. Suspicious transaction

Most likely you do not remember this, but when issuing a debit card, most banks have a clause where you agree that they have the right to reject any transaction that seems suspicious to them. This option is also designed to protect you and your finances in the event that someone steals your card.

  1. The card type is not acceptable

It is also worth remembering that not all cards and ATMs accept all types of debit cards, so it may also be rejected. Please note if your EMV debit card has a chip or a magnetic stripe.

  1. Your card has not been activated yet

Surely you know that most cards must be activated before use. The type of card activation may vary. For example, in some cases you need to withdraw a certain amount of money through an ATM to activate the card, in others, you need to dial a certain phone number, and so on.

How to fix a declined debit card?

  1. If you do not have enough funds, then all you need to do is top up your balance. It is also recommended to keep track of your finances in order to avoid such a situation in the future.
  2. When you have exceeded your daily withdrawal limit, there are several options you can use. First of all, you should examine the daily withdrawal limits on your account. If you inform your bank in advance, they may allow you to exceed the limit on any given day. You can also talk to your card provider and increase your daily limit.
  3. If you entered your PIN code incorrectly, you should contact your card issuer to reset it. Also you should remember the PIN to avoid this situation.
  4. Has your card expired? It is recommended to promptly request a replacement from your card provider and destroy all old, expired cards and the data related to them.
  5. Since incorrectly entered personal data can lead to the rejection of the card, you should always check whether the information you entered matches what is written on your card.
  6. If you encounter technical issues, then you should try using another terminal, try again later, or wait until the system returns to normal.
  7. In the case of international purchases, it is recommended to inform the banks in advance that you are going to travel in order to avoid such problems.
  8. Suspicious transaction? It will also inform the bank in advance that you want to make a big purchase or withdraw a large amount of money.
  9. Before using the card, make sure that its type is accepted where you intend to use it.
  10. If your card is not yet activated, you can call your bank and ask for instructions for activating it.